Broman KW (2005) The genomes of recombinant inbred lines. Genetics 169:1133-1146 PubMed pdf (525k)

Broman (2005) Fig 6

Figure 6. — Results of 10,000 simulations of two-way RILs by selfing (black), two-way RILs by sibling mating (blue), and eight-way RILs by sibling mating (red), with a mouse-like genome of length 1665 cM and exhibiting strong crossover interference. (A) Distribution of the number of generations of breeding to achieve 99% fixation. (B) Distribution of the number of generations of breeding to achieve complete, genome-wide fixation. (C) Distribution of the total number of segments, genome-wide. (D) Distribution of the lengths of segments. (E) Distribution of the length of the smallest segment, genome-wide. (F) Distribution of the number of segments < 1 cM in length.